
Na 'n oordosis Brandewyn en Coke een aand in November van die jaar 2000 is Kobus! gebore uit die dualistiese waan van Naakte Soogdiere (met horings) en Stemme wat dinge Breek (kwaadwilliglik)... More »

Even Flow

From the influences of No Doubt, Fiona Apple, Skin, Rage Against the Machine and Lyle Lovitt - Melody Kaye drives, what seems destined to become, one of South Africa's top Rock exports... More »


Fokofpolisiekar was formed during April 2003 by a group of friends from Cape Town with communal passion for art and music. After years of discussing the possibility of an Afrikaans band... More »


Fetish is also a Cape Town band who've proven themselves - numorously - as one of SA's top acts. More recently when they became the first local band to sign with Virgin Records... More »