Web hosting for musicians
We help musicians have the best website possible, without needing to be a computer expert. Tools like our email list mailer, gig calendar, image gallery, downloads, and more are ready to use directly on your site.
Your own domain name - yourname.com
Select a new domain name at no extra cost, or if you already own one, we'll help you transfer it here.
Your own email - you@yourname.com
You can finally stop using that Hotmail address. Our email comes with a full email list mailer, virus- and spam-blocking, webmail, and 10 mailboxes for you and your band.
Cost and features
Only R99 per month, risk-free. No hidden charges or different levels of service. Everybody gets everything we offer. No setup fees, and the first month is always free.
(Free for unsigned bands)
In the spirit of helping upcoming musicians, we offer free hosting to unsigned bands. All you have to do is register a domain name, or get a free subdomain on sarock.com, eg. yourname.sarock.com
- Features
- · 100 MB Disk Space
- · 5,000 MB Data Transfer
- · 10 Mailboxes
- · Virus Protection
- · Spam Filtering
- · Visitor Stats
- · yourname.com/net/org
- · RockCMS account
What is RockCMS?
RockCMS is a content management system (CMS) that makes managing your website easy. You can update your site from anywhere... on the road, from home, anywhere there's internet access. No HTML knowledge is required. Fill in a simple form, and your site is instantly updated. Features include an email list mailer, gig calendar, image gallery, downloads, news/blog, discography, and band bio's.
Email List Mailer
Instead of sticking everyone you know into the BCC field of your email program, an email list manager will let you email some or all of your contacts, directly from your site.
Gig Calendar
Imagine entering your tour dates in advance, then hitting the road, knowing that your gigs are automatically updated every day. Since your website knows what day it is, it automatically removes your past dates.
Image Gallery
Upload images directly to your site, from anywhere. Thumbnail previews are created automatically, and you can have as many galleries as you want.
Give fans a taste of your music without worrying about disk space or bandwidth. Upload samples or complete tracks... even music videos.
Keep your fans updated with current happenings. Simply log into your site, write some news, and it's automatically displayed with that day's date, together with a list of previous entries.
Upload all your releases, and then keep your discography updated by adding that new masterpiece, complete with track listings and sleeve artwork.
Band Bio's
Had a lineup change? Want to introduce your new drummer to the world? Update band and member bio's instantly, from anywhere.
Coming soon! We are always improving the system, and all hosted sites automatically benefit from new features and upgrades.
Still not convinced?
We believe a demo is worth a thousand words. Login and play around. If you don't like it, tell us! Your suggestions will help us improve the system.
(Hosting and support provided by Wickedbox)
- Questions?
+27 21 9817169
- RockCMS
- Email List Mailer
- Gig Calendar
- Image Gallery
- Downloads
- News/Blog
- Discography
- Band Bio's
- Merchandise
Demo Login
The Springbok Nude Girls 1994-2001